Stakeholder mapping at Finance Think refers to to the processes of laying out all the stakeholders of a particular policy which is aimed at particular project. Policy mapping

Policy Dialogue on the Food and Energy Crisis

9 February 2023, Skopje

Parafiscal charges in municipal administrations and public enterprises – gallery

19 November 2021, Skopje

Roma-responsive budgeting

5 October 2019, Skopje

Roma-responsive budgeting

20-21 May 2019, Veles

Bridging the gap between domestic and multinational companies

30 May 2018, Skopje

FISCAST+: Communication strategy

11-12 November 2017, Krushevo – Gallery

Selecting policies for analysis, teams and research methods and data, within the project FISCAST+: Fiscal transparency and accountability improves policies in the areas of quality of life, education and healt

2 December 2016, Skopje- Gallery


FISCAST-NET Midterm meeting in Krushevo

22-24 January 2016 – Galleries 1 2 3