The objective of the workshops and training sessions is to directly convey skills over the target groups. Usually, the workshops and training sessions are realized within the current project activities.

Peer Learning Exchange on Labour Force Movement and Seasonal Work: Addressing undeclared Work

24-25 October 2023, Skopje

2nd Debate club on identification of policy overlaps, gaps, priorities and common goals related to multidimensional child poverty

17 October 2023, Skopje

1st Debate club on identification of policy overlaps, gaps, priorities and common goals related to multidimensional child poverty

25 August 2023, Skopje

Project and strategic workshop of the WEBecon regional network

21-24 June 2023, Budva, Montenegro

Index of multidimensional (child) poverty: Redesigning, identifying data sources and planning data collection and processing

May 30, 2023, Skopje

Building inclusive democracy: Women’s inclusion workshop

April 25, 2023, online

Workshops on multidimensional child poverty with the sectors of education, social protection and health

March 21-22, 2023, Skopje

Workshop “Gender-responsive creation of local programs and budget”

17 February 2023, Prilep

Strategic workshop of the WEBecon regional network

28-29 July 2022, Skopje

Optimization of parafiscal charges in the municipalities of the Northeast Region

2 June 2022, Skopje

Optimization of parafiscal charges in the municipalities of the East Region

31 May 2022, Kochani

Optimization of parafiscal charges in the municipalities of the city of Skopje

26 May 2022, Skopje

Data analysis and interpretation of findings and their translation into strategies and plans – gallery

1 February 2022, Skopje

Journalism based on economic data – gallery

27 January 2022, Skopje

Data analysis and visualization – gallery

3 November 2021, Skopje

Statistical and econometric analysis in Stata

7 October 2021, Skopje

State Aid Control – dr. Andreas Klafki – agenda

8-19 March 2021, online

Module 1: Communication skills; module 2: Sales & promotion skills; module 3: Leadership skills and building local brands

June – September 2019, Skopje

Call – Gallery 1 – Gallery 2 – Gallery 3

Mapping of alternative touristic destinations

17-21 June 2019, Skopje

Call – Gallery

Training on presentation and communication skills for connecting domestic with foreign companies

24-25 October 2018, Skopje – Gallery

Training for promotion and presentation of products and services to potential buyers and fair exhibition

15-16 October 2018, Skopje – Gallery

Training on soft skills for connecting domestic and foreign companies

5 October 2018 – Gallery

Train the trainers on participative budgeting

4 May 2018, Skopje – Gallery

Data analysis and interpretation of results and their translation into strategies and plans – Workshop for analysts in government institutions

9 March 2018, Skopje – Gallery

Analysis and interpretation of data and findings – Workshop for economic journalists

2 March 2018, Skopje – Gallery

Public procurement for representatives of local CSOs, local media, and interested citizens

12 December 2017, Prilep

Public procurement for representatives of local self-governments

30 November 2017, Prilep – Gallery

Statistical data analysis – Workshop for young economists

14 September 2017, Skopje – Аgenda – Gallery

Methods for generating new jobs

4, 5 and 7 July, 2017, Skopje – Gallery

Data analysis and visualization – Workshop for CSOs

4 July 2017, Skopje – Invitation – Gallery

FISCAST: Interim workshop for presentation of the progress with the policy studies

26 April 2017, Skopje

Selecting policies for analysis, teams and research methods and data

2 December 2016, Skopje- Gallery

Training for developing skills for employment

25 November 2016, Skopje – Gallery

Communication and mentoring skills, for the employees of the Social Protection Centers and Employment Agency Units

29-31 August 2016, Skopje – Gallery

Gender and motherhood wage gap: Policies, data and econometric methods

5 July 2016, Skopje – Gallery

FISCAST-NET Midterm meeting in Krushevo

22-24 January 2016 – Galleries 1 2 3

Designing alternative touristic attractions in Krushevo

25-26 December 2015 – Gallery

FISCAST Workshop 3: Cost-benefit analysis for economic journalists, Skopje

28 November 2015 – Gallery

FISCAST Workshop 2: Cost-benefit analysis, Krushevo

21-22 November 2015 – Gallery

FISCAST Workshop 1: Identifying policies for analysis, Krushevo

20 November 2015 – Gallery

Economic empowerment of Krushevo women, Krushevo

18-19, 25-26 October 2014 – Gallery