Our Policy studies have been indexed on the world largest bibliographic database with economic literature IDEAS of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in USA.

The impact factor could be obtained on the following link.

Policy Study 52: Behind the Curtain: Cultural Norms, Gender Stereotypes and Work Attitudes Shaping Women’s Labour-Market Inactivity in North Macedonia

Authors: Blagica Petreski, Stefan Tanevski, Marjan Petreski

Policy Study 51: The Fiscal Space in the Western Balkans: Evidence from the Recent Multilayer Crisis

Authors: Marija Basheska, Marjan Petreski, Despina Tumanoska, Blagica Petreski

Policy Study 50: Granular examination of the informal economy in North Macedonia: Insights into informal workers, undeclared work and income underreporting in households

Authors: Bojan Srbinoski, Marjan Petreski, Blagica Petreski

Policy Study 49: Informal employment and undeclared work in the HORECA sector: Learning from North Macedonia

Authors: Blagica Petreski, Ada Huibregtse and Aleksandar Ristovski

Policy Study 48: The impact of the food and energy crisis on household welfare in North Macedonia

Authors: Marjan Petreski, Blagica Petreski

Policy Study 47: Labor mobility preconditions for the regional economic integration: Pros and cons from Macedonian perspective

Authors: Despina Tumanoska, Marjan Petreski

Policy Study 46: The impact of the crisis induced by the conflict in Ukraine on firms in North Macedonia: Evidence from a micro-survey

Author: Marjan Petreski

Policy Study 45: Study on parafiscal charges at national and local level in the Republic of North Macedonia

Authors: Aleksandar Stojkov, Irena Nikolovska, Blagica Petreski

Policy Study 44: Assessment of the financial transparency and budgetary position of local self-government units in North Macedonia, with a focus on public enterprises under their jurisdiction

Authors: Maja Kadievska-Vojnovikj, Borce Trenovski

Policy Study 43: Unregistered micro-performers of business activity in North Macedonia: Analysis with recommendations for a policy action

Authors: Marjan Petreski, Blagica Petreski

Policy Study 42: Participative Budgeting in Rural Settlements in the Municipality of Krusevo

Authors: Despina Tumanoska, Blagica Petreski

Policy Study 41: Minimum wage and manufacturing labor share: Evidence from North Macedonia

Author: Marjan Petreski

Policy Study 40: Integrating WB6 towards integrated EU – A view from North Macedonia

Authors: Bojan Srbinoski, Blagica Petreski

Policy Study 39: Multidimensional child poverty in North Macedonia: Reimagining how to measure and tackle child poverty

Authors: Bojan Srbinoski, Blagica Petreski, Marjan Petreski

Policy Study 38: SDG Financing Landscape in North Macedonia

Author: Marjan Petreski

Policy Study 37: A short analysis of the direct economic effects of vaccination in North Macedonia

Author: Bojan Srbinoski

Policy Study 36: The Effect of Covid-19 on Precarious Workers in North Macedonia

Author: Despina Tumanoska

Policy Study 35: The Social and Economic Effects of COVID-19 on Children in North Macedonia: An Update

Authors: Marjan Petreski, Blagica Petreski, Ana Tomovska-Misoska, Despina Tumanoska

Policy study 34: Measuring economic effects of state aid granted to private enterprises in North Macedonia: The case of the governmental Plan for Economic Growth

Authors: Marjan Petreski

Policy study 33: The potential of export-oriented companies to contribute to post-Covid-19 economic recovery in North Macedonia

Authors: Bojan Srbinoski, Blagica Petreski, Marjan Petreski

Policy study 32: Bridging measures to alleviate Covid-19 consequences: Design proposal, cost and key effects

Authors: Blagica Petreski, Marjan Petreski, Aleksandar Stojkov, Ana Tomovska-Misoska, Maja Parnardzieva-Zmejkova, Vladimir Dimkovski

Policy study 31: Social Services in the Municipalities in North Macedonia: Capacity, Risks, Needs

Authors: Marjan Petreski, Despina Tumanoska, Blagica Petreski

Policy study 30: The Social and Economic Effects of Covid-19 on Children in North Macedonia: Rapid Analysis and Policy Proposals

Authors: Marjan Petreski, Blagica Petreski, Ana Tomovska Misoska, Maja Gerovska Mitev, Maja Parnardzieva Zmejkova, Vladimir Dimkovski, Nicholas Morgan

Policy study 29: State aid in North Macedonia: Critical assessment of the regulatory framework

Authors: Desanka Dimitrova

Policy study 28: Town Hall Meetings: A tool for citizens’ engagement in the process of participatory budgeting

Authors: Blagica Petreski, Despina Tumanoska, Tereza Kocovska

Policy study 27: Beyond income inequality in North Macedonia: An overview

Authors: Marjan Petreski

Policy study 26: Exploratory analysis of parafiscal charges for the small and medium-sized enterprises in North Macedonia

Authors: Blagica Petreski, Marjan Petreski

Policy study 25: Impact evaluation of the program for training and mentoring of domestic small and medium-sized enterprises to include in the value chains of multinational companies operating in North Macedonia

Authors: Simon Miloseski, Blagica Petreski, Despina Tumanoska, Tereza Koсovskа, Besnik Mustafa

Policy study 24: Good or bad tax? Assessing the early effects of the progressive and higher personal income tax in North Macedonia

Authors: Despina Tumanoska, Bojana Josifovska, Marjan Petreski

Policy study 23: Analysis of the provision of social services at the local level: Results from the monitoring of the municipalities of Prilep and Dolneni

Authors: Bojana Josifovska, Marjan Petreski

Policy study 22: Analysis of youth underemployment in North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia

Authors: Blagica Petreski, Jorge Davalos, Ivan Vchkov, Despina Tumanoska, Terezа Koсovska

Policy study 21: Analysis of the public spending on health care of children in the country

Authors: Maja Parnardzieva-Zmejkova, Vladimir Dimkovski

Policy study 20: Analysis of the public spending on education and on social protection of children in the country

Authors: Blagica Petreski, Marjan Petreski

Policy study 19: Bridging gaps and seizing potential: Domestic SMEs in the supply chain of multinational companies in the country

Authors: Iva Trajkovska, Blagica Petreski

Policy study 18: Assessing the level of harmonization of regional welfare state policies with the European Pillar of Social Rights

Authors: Blagica Petreski, Marjan Petreski

Policy study 17: Regulatory impact assessment of the changes in the Minimum Wage Law

Authors: Marjan Petreski, Tereza Koсоvska

Policy study 16: Individuals in the VAT system and the rule of law in Macedonia. With a special reference and recommendations concerning authorship contracts

Authors: Marjan Petreski, Marjan Nikolov, Vesna Garvanlieva, Borche Smilevski

Policy study 15: Local budgets and procurements: Qualitative insights from the municipalities of Prilep, Krushevo and Krivogashtani

Authors: Despina Tumanoska

Policy study 14: Sustainability of the pension system in Macedonia: A comprehensive analysis and reform proposal with MK-PENS – dynamic microsimulation model

Authors: Blagica Petreski, Pavle Gacov

Policy study 13: Effects from state investments in public health care for the period 2010-2016

Authors: Biljana Indova, Branko Adjigogov

Policy study 12: Informal sector inclusion in the sustainable waste management system as an opportunity for employment and social inclusion of vulnerable groups

Authors: Zoran Sapuric, Sanela Shkrijelj, Blazhe Josifovski

Policy study 11: Overhaul of the social assistance system in Macedonia: Simulating the effects of introducing Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) scheme

Authors: Marjan Petreski, Nikica Mojsoska-Blazevski

Policy study 10: Universal Health Insurance in the Republic of Macedonia and Effects from the Implementation of the Project “Health Insurance for All”

Authors: Maja Parnardzieva-Zmejkova, Vladimir Dimkovski

Policy study 9: From numbers to practice – identification and analysis of the indicators related to the quality of the didactic process in the primary education in Macedonia

Authors: Ana Mickovska-Raleva, Ana Tomovska-Misoska, Olimpija Hristovska-Zaeva, Suzana Cerepnalkovska, Vesna Kostik Ivanovik

Policy study 8: Impact evaluation of the program for training, mentoring and internship/employment of persons exposed at social risk

Authors: Blagica Petreski, Nikica Mojsoska-Blazevski

Policy study 7: Sustainability of Macedonian General Government Debt

Authors: Teodora Arsovska

Policy study 6: The size and effects of emigration and remittances in the Western-Balkans: Forecasting based on a Delphi process

Authors: Marjan Petreski, Blagica Petreski, Despina Tumanoska, Edlira Narazani, Fatush Kazazi, Galjina Ognjanov, Irena Jankovic, Arben Mustafa, Tereza Kосovska

Policy study 5: Active labor market policies for employment: Challenge for the Macedonian labor market

Authors: Blagica Petreski, Despina Tumanoska

Policy study 4: The case study of “Krushevo women” as a model of social entrepreneurship

Authors: Blagica Petreski, Despina Petreska

Policy study 3: Local development or current consumption: What purpose are municipal money spent for?

Authors: Despina Petreska, Blagica Petreski