The main goal of the project is to generate evidence and foster a policy dialogue for the food and energy insecurities in the Western Balkan economies pertinent to four key fronts: household livelihoods, firms’ competitiveness, fiscal space and the regional integration.

The specific objectives include:

  • To employ and empower the WEBecon network with respect to the national and regional policymaking processes on food- and energy-related policies, by generating evidence on the effects of the crisis on the WB economies and on the regional integration,
  • To enhance the policy dialogue and cooperation on energy and food supply security, by creating space for wide stakeholders’ consultations and networking at the regional level,
  • To increase the public awareness for the importance, consequences of and solutions to the food and energy crisis, including through regional approaches.

Donor: SMART Balkans Project

Duration: January 2023 – January 2025

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