Finance Think signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Municipality of Krusevo ( It spells out the following venues for cooperation:
- Partnerships and / or joint applications for projects that fall within the domain of the joint areas of interest;
- Partnerships and / or joint implementation of projects that are initiated by one of the partner parties or initiated and / or supported by third party donors;
- Cooperation in creating strategic documents in the area of local economic development;
- Cooperation in enriching staff with the skills and knowledge necessary for the activities of the local economic development;
- Technical cooperation in disseminating information to stakeholders and target groups;
- Cooperation for mutual promotion of activities that fall within the scope of the missions on both parties;
- Other forms of cooperation to strengthen capacity, integrity and image on both parties.
The MoU entered into force on October 26, 2013 with an initial validity of one year and automatic renewal should parties judge progress satisfactory.