The objective of the project is to elevate Finance Think at a new international / European level of development to be able to secure streamlining of the European economic values and dynamics into the national economy, as well to be able to robustly engage with EU actors relevant in this domain.

Following project’s grand objective, the specific tasks are positioned around three pillars:

  1. Teaming up / twinning with relevant EU-based peers, as well approaching to relevant EU-level economic policy actors, so as to learn how a think tank may engage in the Europeanization processes in its own country, as well to lay grounds for future cooperation with Western peers in joint initiatives;
  2. Further strengthening of FT’s research capacity, by learning from EU-based peers and transposition of their best practices into internal regulations;
  3. Elevating FT’s communication and advocacy capacity to communicate at the international level.


Donor: Open Society Foundations – Berlin Office

Duration: November 2019 – November 2020



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