Meeting to exchange experiences in Albania

Our Blagica Petreski participated in an exchange of experiences between civil society organizations from Montenegro and Serbia with those from Albania and North Macedonia, entitled “The role of civil society in the EU accession negotiation process”, which took place in Tirana, Albania, 30 -31 March 2023, under the auspices of EU TACSO.

Workshops on the multidimensional child poverty

🎯 Finance Think in partnership with UNICEF MK conducted a series of 3 workshops with representatives from key institutions in the sphere of #education, #social protection and #health, in order to assess in detail the causes and effects of multidimensional poverty that also affects children.

💡 The meetings discussed how to better monitor poverty among #children in North Macedonia, how to determine the interrelated relationship between sectoral priorities and existing policies, including identifying gaps in current policies and potential additional measures to support vulnerable categories.

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