Analysis of SDG Financing Landscape

The objective of the SDG Financial Landscape Analysis is to map all financing flows, with the aim to identify potential approaches and activities that can contribute to efficient use of existing resources for SDG achievement and greater alignment and investment by development partners on sustainable development priorities.

Donor: UNDP

Bridging measures to alleviate Covid-19 consequences

The aim of the project is to develop proposed measures to mitigate the consequences of Covid-19, as a form of operationalization of the United Nations document “North Macedonia: UN Covid-19 Response Framework (CRF)”.

Client: UNDP

Duration: July – November 2020

Reaping export-oriented companies’ potential to contribute to post-Covid-19 recovery

The project aims to identify potentials of export oriented capacities including already existed foreign investors in the country to support economic recovery.

Specific objectives:

  • To identify capacities to adapt and shift current production according to changed demand (new operation, components, complementary products, etc)
  • To identify the potentials for regional re-positioning and utilization of global geographical allocation shifting and cost reduction strategy
  • To identify potential for injections of capital that parent’s company will make to affiliated companies in the country (to shift operations from other geographical locations, or to modify current production, etc).
  • To identify obstacles for export and growth
  • To identify needs for economic measures that will maximize identified potentials


Duration: October 2020 – March 2021

Donor: British Embassy – Skopje


Interactive and multi-stakeholder mechanism for tracking fulfillment of economy-related political promises

The aim of the project is to promote monitoring and measurement of economic goals and results of political-government programs, by using evidence, findings and data and by encouraging multi-stakeholder engagement.

The action will achieve the following results:

R.1 A framework for measuring economic goals and results has been set, in the context of political and governmental programs, through the use of evidence, findings and data;

R.2 Skills have been developed for stakeholders to critically analyze the possible and achieved results of political promises in the area of economics;

R.3 Stakeholders enrich public discourse through critical, argumentative and lively debate on the feasibility, results and cost of political promises in the economy.


Donor: Civica Mobilitas

Duration: May 2020 – May 2022


Promoting evidence and dialogue for enhancing state aid’s effect onto consumer welfare in North Macedonia

The objective of the action is to promote evidence and foster dialogue on the role of state aid for consumer welfare in North Macedonia.

The specific objectives of the action include:

  1. To understand existing forms of state aid in North Macedonia (direct subsidies, tax exemptions, discounted loans etc.) and their (mutual) consistency within the overall anti-trust legislation in the country;
  2. To produce robust evidence on whether state aid distorts competition on the market, with application on the paramount governmental program for subsidizing companies in North Macedonia and dwelling on the ‘market economy operator’ principle;
  3. To improve the dialogue among stakeholders, as well raise public awareness, on state aid, alignment with EU Acquis and consumer welfare.


By having achieved these objectives, the action will significantly contribute to enhancing the role of state aid for the market competition and efficiency, and hence onto consumer welfare.


Duration: February 2020 – February 2021

Donor: Balkan Trust for Democracy – Norwegian Embassy Belgrade


Common country analysis – economic and social trends

The aim of the project is to synthesize existing knowledge in the area of economic, social and development trends and policies in North Macedonia, identify the most lagging population groups in terms of a set of development indicators, identify short- and medium-term risks, as well as knowledge and data gaps, all in the context of sustainable development goals.


Provider: Office of the UN Resident Coordinator

Duration: November 2019 – March 2020


Beyond income inequalities in North Macedonia

The aim of the project is to provide an overview of inequalities in North Macedonia beyond income, i.e. inequalities in opportunities in four critical areas: education, healthcare, labor market and justice.


Provider: UNDP

Duration: December 2019 – January 2020


Sustainable economic growth through promotion of alternative touristic attractions

The main goal of the project is to improve local economic development by promoting developed alternative tourist attractions.

The indirect expected benefits include development of new local brands and unconventional tourist attractions for the regions that in the long term will strengthen regions as touristic destinations, attract more tourists, and thus increase revenues and promote local traditional values as a key to reducing poverty and to inclusive economic growth.


Donor: US Embassy

Period: September – December 2019