Petreski, M. (2024) The impact of the crisis induced by the conflict in Ukraine on firms: Evidence from in North MacedoniaThe South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 19(1), p.123-144.

Petreski, M. and Tanevski, S. (2024) ‘Bargain your share’: The role of workers’ bargaining power for labor share, with reference to transition economiesEmpirical Economics, 1007/s00181-024-02602-2

Petreski, M. and Pehkonen, J. (2024) Minimum wage and manufacturing labor share: Some evidence form North Macedonia. Economic Thought and Practice, forthcoming.


Petreski, M. (2023) Labor share in transition economies: Brief firm-level investigation. Applied Economics Letters, 30(13), p. 1838-1842.

Srbinoski, B., Petreski, B. and Petreski, M. (2023) Measurement of Multidimensional Child Poverty: Evidence from North Macedonia. Child Indicators Research, 16(1), p.247–271.


Petreski, M. and Petreski, B. (2022) Unregistered micro-performers of business activity: The “who” and “why” in North MacedoniaCroatian Economic Survey, 24(2), p.45-77.

Srbinoski, B., Petreski, B. and Petreski, M. (2022) The Covid-19 Impact on Exports in North Macedonia – Firm-Level AnalysisEconomic Research – Ekonomska Istrazivanja, 35(1), p. 7147-7174.

Petreski, M. (2022) State aid causing distinct incentives? Quasi-experimental measurement of effects from grants to private enterprises in North Macedonia. Evaluation Review, 46(2), p200-230.


Petreski, M. (2021) Return migration and health outcomes in North Macedonia. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 17(3), p.353-371.

Petreski, M. (2021) Has globalization shrunk manufacturing labor share in transition economies? Journal of Comparative Economics, 49(1), p.201-211.

Petreski, M. and Petreski, B. (2021) Macedonian labour market in a stalemate: Forecasting occupational and sectoral labour demand. In: A. Fetsi, U. Bardak and F. Rosso (Eds.) Changing skills for a changing world: Understanding skills demand in EU neighbouring countries. ETF Collection of Articles. Torino: European Training Foundation, p.83-97.

Petreski, B., Davalos, J. and Tumanoska, D. (2021) Youth Underemployment in the Western Balkans: A Multidimensional Approach. Eastern European Economics, 59(1), p.25-50.

Petreski, B. and Petreski, M. (2021) Dynamic microsimulation modelling of potential pension reforms in North Macedonia. Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 20(1), p.49-66.


Tumanoska, D. (2020) The Relationship between Economic Growth and Unemployment Rates: Validation of Okun’s Law in Panel ContextResearch in Applied Economics, 12(1), p.33-55.

Petreski, M., Oviedo, A.M. and Cancho, C. (2020) Expectations Set High: Understanding Reservation Wages in North Macedonia. Review of Social Policy, 27(2), p.171-192.

Petreski, M. (2020) Winners or losers? Workers in transition economies under globalization. Post-Communist Economies, 32(4), p.468-494.


Tumanoska, D. (2019) The Validity of Okun’s Law in North MacedoniaBusiness and Economic Research, 9(2), p.160-168.

Petreski, M. (2019) Exploring diaspora contribution for Macedonia’s developmentSoutheastern Europe, 43(3), p.304-320.

Velickovski, I. and Petreski, M. (2019) Size, competitiveness and FDIs: Small or transition country curse? Small States and Territories, 2(1), p.23-40.

Petreski, M. (2019) Remittances and labour supply revisited: New evidence from the Macedonian behavioural tax and benefit microsimulation model. Migration Letters, 16(2), p.219-236.


Petreski, B., Tumanoska, D., Davalos, J. and Petreski, M. (2018) New light on remittances-poverty-health nexus in MacedoniaInternational Migration, 56(5), p.26-41.

Petreski, B. and Petreski, M. (2018) Does motherhood explain lower wages for females in Macedonia? Ekonomska istrazivanja – Economic Research. 31(1), p.352-375.

Petreski, M. (2018) Public provision of employment-support services to youth jobseekers: Effects on informality and wages in transition economiesInternational Journal of Manpower, 39(6), p. 820-839.

Petreski, M. (2018) Is informal job experience of youth undermining their labor-market prospects in transition economies? Open Economies Review, 29(4), p. 751-768.

Petreski, M. (2018) Has CEFTA increased members’ trade? Evidence with an enlarged set of plausibly exogenous instruments. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 68(3), p. 294-317.


Petreski, M., Petreski, B., Tumanoska, D., Narazani, E., Kazazi, F., Ognjanov, G., Jankovic, I., Mustafa, A. and Kochovska, T. (2017) The size and effects of emigration and remittances in the Western-Balkans: Forecasting based on a Delphi process. Südosteuropa: Journal of Politics and Society, 65(4), p. 679-695.

Petreski, M., Petreski B. and Tumanoska, D. (2017) Remittances as a shield to vulnerable households in Macedonia: The case when the instrument is not strictly exogenousInternational Migration, 55(1), p.20-36.

Petreski, M., Mojsoska-Blazevski, N. and Bergolo, M. (2017) Labor-market scars when youth unemployment is extremely high: Evidence from MacedoniaEastern European Economics, 55(2), p.168-196.


Petreski, M., Petreski, B. and Tumanoska, D. (2016) Could Remittances Shield Vulnerable Households in Transition Economies? In: Aysen Hic Gencer, İlyas Sözen and Selahattin Sari (Eds.) Eurasian Economies in Transition, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p.86-106.

Tumanoska, D., Mojsoska-Blazevski, N. and Petreski, M. (2016) Are small, open economies exposed to capital? Insights into the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle in MacedoniaEconomic Review, 67(2), p.116-134.


Mojsoska-Blazevski, N., Petreski, M. and Petreska, D. (2015) Increasing labour market activity of poor and female: Let’s make work pay in MacedoniaEastern European Economics, 53(6), p.466-490.

Petreski, B. (2015) Empirical Analysis of the Risks and Resilience to Shocks of the Macedonian Insurance Sector. The Geneva Papers, 40(4), p.678–700.

Petreski, M. and Petreski, B. (2015) Dissatisfied, feeling unequal and inclined to emigrate: Perceptions from Macedonia in a MIMIC modelMigration Letters, 12(2), p.152-161.


Petreski, M., Mojsoska-Blazevski, N. and Petreski, B. (2014) Gender wage gap when women are highly inactive: Evidence from repeated imputations with Macedonian dataJournal of Labor Research. 35(4), p.393-411.

Петрески, Благица (2014) Богатите се` побогати, сиромашните се` посиромашниЛице в лице, 9, p.14-16.

Petreski, M. (2014) Inflation targeting at the crossroads: Evidence from post-communist economies during the crisisCommunist and Post-Communist Studies, 47(2), p.247-260.

Petreski, M. (2014) Regulatory environment and development outcomes: Empirical evidence from transition economiesEkonomicky Casopis, 61(3), p.225-248.

Petreski, M. (2014) Grooming Classifications: Exchange Rate Regimes and Growth in Transition EconomiesEastern European Economics, 52(1), p.5-33.


Petreska, Despina and Mojsoska-Blazevski, Nikica (2013) The Feldstein-Horioka puzzle and transition economiesEconomic Annals, 58(197), p.23-46.

Petreski, M. (2013) Monetary Policy Conduct in CESEE countries on their road to the EuroComparative Economic Studies, 55(1), p.1-41.

Mojsoska-Blazevski, N., Petreski, M. and Petreska, D. (2013) Increasing labour market activity of poor and female: Let’s make work pay in Macedonia. EUROMOD Working Paper Series, EM16/13.

Петрески, Благица (2013) Емпириска анализа на ризиците и отпорноста на шокови на Македонскиот осигурителен секторЕкономија и Бизнис, 15(11), p.66-68.

Petreski, M. (2013) South East European Trade Analysis: A Role for Endogenous CEFTA-2006? Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 49(5), p.26-44.

Petreski, M. (2013) Overhaul of a Doctrine: Has Inflation Targeting Opened a New Era in -Developing-country Peggers? Eastern European Economics, 51(5), p. 46-68.


Петрески, Благица (2012) Искуството со кредитниот бум во МакедонијаЕкономија и Бизнис, 14(11), p.39-42.